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whiten teeth

How Long Does It Take To Whiten My Teeth?

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Teeth whitening is one of the commonly chosen cosmetic dental procedures in America. If you too are considering it but not sure about the duration of the teeth whitening procedure, read this blog to get the information …


9 Things To Know Before Teeth Whitening

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Your smile is significant in many aspects of your life, from self-confidence to social connections. However, regularly consuming tea, coffee, and alcohol and smoking may turn your pearly whites into rows of yellow blight. …


How To Take Care Of Your Tooth Brush?

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Imagine life without a toothbrush! Sure, there are other ways to clean your teeth. However, no other dental cleaning tool is as useful and effective as a toothbrush for safeguarding …


Should I Use A Mouthwash?

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From ancient times to the modern-day United States, mouthwash has been a constant companion to those seeking to improve their oral hygiene and freshen their breath. The ancient Greeks …

Jaw Aches

Why Your Jaw Aches In The Morning?

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Jaw pain can feel different for different people and can have several causes. Here are some common descriptions of what jaw pain might feel …


Can Arthritis Affect Your Teeth?

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Arthritis comprises a group of diseases that cause inflammation in one or more joints, leading to pain, stiffness, and limited mobility. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common …


How Does Oral HPV Cause Cancer?

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Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, is a small-sized virus replicating DNA. It infects the skin and moisture-containing surfaces of the body like the mouth, cervix, vagina, and anus. There are more than 100 variants of HPV. The most …

Laser Gum Surgery

Do’s and Don’ts of Laser Gum Surgery

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Laser gum surgery has emerged as one of the top treatments for severe gum diseases and sometimes for dental esthetic procedures. However, it requires some preparation before and a few precautions after the surgery. Here’s what …


Teeth and Wrinkles: Is there a Connection?

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Dental health is an essential aspect of how you look. Although genetics and evolution play a big role in a person’s facial features, the appearance of specific characteristics like teeth and gum …


What Causes Thrush in Mouth in Adults?

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Oral thrush or candidiasis is a fungal infection of the mouth. A group of yeasts called Candida causes it. However, it is not contagious and is easily manageable with antifungal medication. Oral thrush is manifested …


Things to Know About Dental Stomatitis

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Stomatitis means inflammation of the mouth, wherein the mucous membranes (thin skin coverings in the mouth) turn swollen, red, puffy, tender, and painful. Stomatitis that affects …