Home » The Dos And Don’ts Of Wearing Invisalign

The Dos And Don’ts Of Wearing Invisalign

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What is an Invisalign, and Why do you Need One?

Have you ever wanted to correct your smile or align your teeth properly but always gave up because you didn't want to look funny with braces? The answer to your woes is Invisalign! Invisalign is a brand name for thin clear aligners that correct specific dental issues. Invisalign is made of thermoplastic and is a convenient, inconspicuous, and comfortable way to align your teeth. It is a popular alternative to braces amongst teenagers and young adults.

Invisalign is used to treat several dental problems, including:

  1. Overbite, underbite, or crossbite issues
  2. Gap teeth
  3. Open bite
  4. Crowded teeth

Invisalign needs special care. So, if you are planning to get this treatment, you should know what you can and can't do with Invisalign.

What are the Dos and Don'ts of Wearing Invisalign?

What should I not eat with Invisalign? What can I not do with Invisalign? What not to do while wearing Invisalign? Do you have to keep wearing Invisalign? If you're looking for answers to these questions, you're right!

Do's Of Wearing Invisalign

  1. Wear your Invisalign aligners for 22 hours a day: Invisalign works steadily but gradually towards aligning your teeth. Hence, if you want them to work, you have to ensure you wear them between 20 to 22 hours daily for the best results. Only remove them when you need to brush your teeth, eat, or drink.
  2. Cleanliness is the key: Cleaning your aligners and your teeth before wearing them to avoid the formation and collection of plaque and bacteria in your mouth. Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential when you are on an Invisalign treatment. You must brush and floss your teeth before wearing Invisalign. You can clean your aligners with a soft-bristled toothbrush and then rinse them with warm water. You must also ensure you soak your aligners at least once daily to keep them looking and smelling great.
  3. Keep a check on your snacking habits and caffeine intake: You may want to rethink your habit if you like snacking between meals. First, constantly removing your Invisalign from snacks will reduce the efficacy of the treatment and slow down the process. Hence, it is best to avoid snacking to ensure your Invisalign is doing its jobfor 22 hours a day. Secondly, caffeine can leave stains on the Invisalign, rendering this treatment's inconspicuousness useless.

Don'ts Of Wearing Invisalign

  1. Don't expose Invisalign to air and heat: Leaving your Invisalign in the open can attract germs and bacteria from the air. Moreover, drinking hot beverages or washing your aligners with hot water can change their shape and disturb their fitting.
  2. Don't smoke with aligners on: Smoking with Invisalign will discolor it, and frequently removing it for smoking will reduce its efficacy. It is best if you can quit smoking, or you can align your smoke breaks with your scheduled meals.
  3. Don't clean your Invisalign with harsh or strong products: Scented or colored soaps or toothpaste are a big no. They can stain your aligners. Also, using hard bristled toothbrushes will scratch them.

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